Spencer Talbot
Fun Fact #1: In Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice,"Mr. Darcy" is the fifth most common bigram (set of two consecutive words) with a count of 273 out of 56604 total bigrams. I know this from a bigram counter I created using a hashtable in C. You can see my github code here in case you're interested.
About Me
Growing up, I loved baseball and I still do. In baseball, a great batting average is to get a hit only 1/3 of the time. Therefore, humility becomes a familiar lesson. However, there is no better feeling than to connect with the ball for a solid hit. Although engineering is quite a bit different from baseball, I have learned some of the same humbling lessons in the process.
One of my favorite quotes is “Engineers use science to solve their problems if the science is available. But available or not, the problem must be solved, and whatever form the solution takes under these conditions is called engineering” (Shigley’s Mechanical Engineering Design 10e, 2016, p. 280). As a graduate of the Mechanical Engineering program at BYU, I had no shortage of difficult classes. However, there's nothing like that light bulb moment that comes from gaining a deeper understanding of how another small piece of this universe works. Additionally, that understanding can then be used to answer extremely important questions such as "How much snow does Olaf's snow flurry from Frozen I need to produce in order to keep him alive during a Norwegian summer?"
Answering other critical questions like "How would different outcomes in The Lion King have changed the population dynamics?" in my dynamic systems and modeling class eventually led me to study robotics. I completed my MS Robotics degree from the University of Michigan in April 2022. Since then, I have been working as a Research Edison Engineer (development program) with General Electric. As I continue to learn, I hope to use my knowledge and understanding to create automated, efficient solutions to the world's problems.
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you think I would be a good fit for opportunities related to robotics, sensors, mechatronics, controls, or other similar areas within the engineering realm. You can see my resume below along with a few of the projects I've been involved in by clicking on the Projects tab.